Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Making Do Then Heaving Ho

The new laptop is in!!!

However, I am not.

It came in to the office yesterday while I was out on vacation. I had it shipped there because it was cheaper. When I called today just to find out if it was there because I am a curious sort (in more ways than one) I found it had been delivered already. I am still out on vacation. Who knew it would come so very fast???

Meanwhile, I am still gallumping around with Hoopty Desktop, which still reboots or freezes every 3.7 seconds, making life in the blogging world a living Hades. It also makes reading, researching, or just plain having fun the same irritating mess.


Tomorrow night The Boy and The Girl will travel out to TCHANH (The Computer Hospital At Nephew's House) to do a bit of babysitting and get their own desktop back. It is being held hostage until such time as they pay their dues and babysit whilst Nephew and his wife go out on an Official Date. Then they can come back home and hook it up and everyone will be happy.

In the meantime, I will remove the hard drive from Hoopty Desktop and attempt to sell it in the sale at Mom's. And if nothing else works, I will donate it to a Worthy Cause. Just so long as it isn't in my house anymore, I will be OK with that. Until then, I have found that running a fan aimed directly at Hoopty is making it stay up longer. Apparently it is like me - unable to function once it gets hot, and it gets hot a lot in its old age.

That was a joke, son.

Please tune in tomorrow when I launch the new and improved version of Blogging! Now With A Laptop!


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