Sunday, July 01, 2007

I'm Off To Get The Gizzards, The Wonderful Gizzards Because...

I'm skipping church today.

Oh, don't be giving me that looking-down-your-nose-and-thinking-"HEATHEN!"-type look, now. Judge not, and all that.

I actually have a fairly decent reason.

Not that I don't Love The Lord My God With All My Heart, but I think He understands that I'm leaving town this morning to head south. I'm going to see The Aunt, and I'll drop by to see Dad as well. And since I'm going to northwest Arkansas, and since I have relatives who work and/or are retired from there, I'll be dropping by a certain chicken plant to pick up discount boneless, skinless chicken breasts and thighs in bulk to take home.

Forget about the gizzards. They're gross.

Of course, that means a 6-hour drive, and I'm doing laundry now in preparation for that not-so-small trip. I'll spend tonight and Monday night there, then drive to the Country Music Capital of the World, Branson, Missouri, on Tuesday to pick up the kids on the way home.

During this week of somewhat forced solitude for Hubster and me, we have noticed a certain amount of difference. A certain... FREEDOM, if you will.

To wit:

The house seemed to heave a gigantic sigh of relief just after their departure. There has been an aura of peace about the entire building and grounds. There has been no screaming, no yelling, no loud music, no banging, no booms, no screeches, no thwacks, no sounds of things being thrown, broken, slung, bounced, hit, knocked, jumped on, slapped, punched or kicked.


Dishes have been done on a regular basis. Food has not disappeared in great quantity, and actually seems to last much longer than normal. When a room is cleaned....try to see this with me....IT STAYS THAT WAY FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS.

I kid you not.

There are no towels strung across the bathroom floor. The phone does not constantly ring for someone else. My husband can always find the remote control to the television. I don't have to fight anyone to use my computer. The dog has no nemesis to constantly bedevil her.

To be honest with you, at this point, the empty nest? It doesn't seem like such a very bad idea.

Of course we miss the kids. We miss The Girl telling us all about the latest conquest of the male gender. We miss comforting her if she's been dumped and helping her plan her next conquest if she's dumped the last one. We miss the lanky legs of The Boy, hanging from the side of the chair as he sprawls all over it watching television or trying to beat the next level on his X-Box. We miss his slow, sly smile as he tries to get away with something. We miss the intermittent hugs from both of them, the few times they will still sit on our laps, the family dinners.

But when God sees fit to marry them both off, I think we'll be ready. We'll miss them, but we'll be ready.

And we'll still get the chicken in bulk. But no gizzards.

So y'all behave yourselves while I'm gone. Be good to each other. Pray for each other. Love on each other. And most importantly, laugh. Because that's a gift God gave you, and He intended it to be used and used well.

Hugs, Interpeeps! I'll write when I get back.

Proverbs 15:30
A cheerful look brings joy to the heart;good news makes for good health.
So rejoice in the Lord and be glad, all you who obey him!Shout for joy, all you whose hearts are pure!


Girl Raised in the South said...

Empty nest - the best! Gizzards, not so much. Hope your trip is great. xoxoxo

Linds said...

Have a great time..... it sounds as though your time alone has been very well spent! You sound happy and rested. That is good. Have a safe trip.

HeyJules said...

You sure missed a great service today. Pastor got to talk about John Wesley and you'd a thought he wanted to marry the guy the way he gushed on and on about him! It was just so adorable. ;-)

Call me when you get home. Have a safe trip!

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

That was cute. You know, speaking as an empty nester, it has not been horrible. It has been pretty much as you describe. We do miss the kids. We miss the adult versions, and we also miss (perhaps more so) the children versions. But it is okay. :-) I hope you had a wonderful time and enjoy their return. Do enjoy them as much as you can while you have them. I'm heading out later today to spend some time with dd and dsil and baby. Yay!

Carol said...

I hope I'll be ready when I enter the season you're in. right now, I panic just thinking about it!

See ya soon!

Pilot Mom said...

Well, we were told when we became full fleged empty nesters (this year) that we should get rid of the dog and throw away the bathrobes! I kid you not.

Well, we didn't get rid of the dog (he is not long for this earth as it is...) but I'm tellin' ya, the no bathrobe thing is WONDERFUL! ;)

Of course, if the kids move back in after leaving, then you need to buy new bathrobes and I suppose get another dog.... hmmmmm....