Saturday, May 05, 2007

Overcoming Da Feet

Pedicures are a gift from God, just in case you were wondering.

A real and true gift.

Even if you have to pay the going rate in my area of $25 for an hour or so of pure heaven, it's well worth the cost.

Oh, so very worth it.

There is absolutely nothing like a pedicure to make a gal feel like a million bucks. Nothing in the known world.

That soak in warm, bubbly water is enough to make me melt into a pool of flabby, gelatinous goo right there in the ol' pedicure chair. But then...BUT THEN....


And my legs. And the joy, it overcomes me. Because nothing on earth feels as good as a good foot massage.

And if you can find a place that has the chair that really and truly massages your back instead of just vibrating like one of those Magic Fingers beds in the cheap motels of yesteryear, you're in for even more of a treat.

And if the place you frequent JUST SO HAPPENS to serve wine to you as you are suffering through All The Pampering, you may even think a visit from this guy to be a mere distant second.

Unless, of course, he was the one doing All The Rubbing Of The Feet.

I'm just sayin', y'all...

So I have warned my friend HeyJules that we will be making a little trip to the Taj Mahal of Toes, the Palace of Pedicures, the Mansion of Massage, in the very near future. And yea verily, we will indulge in this earthly blessing God has bestowed...upon our toes.

I just doesn't get much better.


HeyJules said...

Being a pedicure virgin and all, I would be more than delighted to join you for a moment of jubilee the next time around.

Count me in but do you think they'd mind if I brought a cold, frosty beer instead of indulging in their fermented grape juice?

Because a cold frosty one IS my idea of heaven...

~Jennifer said...

I have never had a pedicure in all my life, but now I'm thinking I'll have to have one. After the 3 day walk in September would be perfect. (I have to keep my callouses intact for now.)

Pilot Mom said...

I've never had a pedicure either but ya'll count me in!!! Right now, that sounds like heaven to me! :D

kpjara said...

I've never had a pedicure but have heard good and nightmare stories!

It would be nice to have someone do the foot rub though...

P.S. I 'tagged' you for a Meme!