Friday, May 04, 2007

Sing a New Song

Listening to God.

It's a hard thing to do sometimes. And it can be even harder to actually act on what He's telling you to do once you open your ears to hear Him.

It doesn't help that what He wants may not be the easiest road to take. It doesn't help that you may not actually want to do what it is He has in mind. It doesn't help that it might be the scariest thing you've ever considered doing.

What matters is that it's from GOD. And with God, one thing to always count on is change.

No, not dimes and quarters and nickels, but the fact that things never seem to stay static forever.

Change gives us a chance for a do-over. It gives us a whole new way to begin something brand new. It keeps life fresh and keeps us on our toes, wondering what will come around the bend. Some changes can be viewed as wonderful, while others are not so wonderful. But in all change we can be sure of one thing; God works all things together for good for those who love Him.

ALL things.

Look back over your life for a minute. Can you see times when you wanted something to work out your way? Did it always happen? I'll take a stab in the dark here and guess it didn't.

My life is the same as yours. I've suffered and wondered and worried the same way you have over things I thought were important. I've wondered why things couldn't work out MY way. But only God sees the big picture of my life. And I have to admit that in EVERY SINGLE CIRCUMSTANCE, God knew what He was doing.


A couple of friends of mine are facing changes now. Big changes. Changes that could alter the course of their lives. But they both have one thing in common.

God is in control of the changes, and they KNOW it.

So even with all the uncertainty and turmoil the changes are bringing, even though they have no idea what will happen in the future or where He will lead, they have peace. Not just a peace about the next hour or the next day, but a peace that HE is in control of it all. He's handling it. He's got it covered.

And He's much bigger than anything that can come their way.

Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (KJV)

Romans 8:31
[ Nothing Can Separate Us from God’s Love ] What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? (KJV)

1 comment:

Susanne said...

Oh if we could just learn to rest in that fact! God truly does love us and nothing can separate us from that!