God bless you, Kim! Thngs were a bit dry here in Singer City.
Here are the rules: Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. You need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they have been tagged and to read your blog!
And so, without further ado:
Seven Things You Really Didn't Want To Know About Me
And Because Of That You Never Thought To Ask
And Because Of That You Never Thought To Ask
- I cleaned off my desk last night. It's been piled high with papers and cookies and nail clippers and remotes (but not to the television on the desk), and magazines and various and sundry bills since before Thanksgiving.
- I met Kathryn Helmond once.
I was walking down the hall at the newspaper office where I used to work, and she was walking toward me. I recognized her from somewhere, but couldn't place where. I greeted her politely and asked how she was as we passed each other. She did the same in turn.
We became fast friends and immediately went out to lunch and shopping, and we keep in touch by phone, as only close, personal friends do.After she got in her limo and left, I finally realized who she was.
Can you say "DUH!" with me?
- I fell on the playground when I was in kindergarten and suffered a concussion. There's still some discussion as to whether the lasting effects of said injury are what made me the way I am today or not.
- I have an aversion to Spanish Rice. You know, the stuff that used to come canned in some kind of gross tomato sauce? Gag me raw.
- I have one eyelid that droops a teensy little bit when I'm overly tired. It comes from the doctor having to use forceps to deliver me. The forceps gave me a black eye, and caused just a leeetle bit of permanent damage.
- I have memories of when I was three years old. Not many, but they are there. Like they say, an elephant never forgets....
- I had a dog when I was three. He got run over by a car, and I didn't get another dog until I was 45. I never knew what I was missing!
Tags go out to HeyJules, Linds, Pilot Mom, Singing Owl, Carol, Melanie, and Shannon. And if any of them have already done the meme, I tag YOU to take their place!
Okay, I'm on it. Even though I can't even remember waking up this morning, much less anything from age 3. Maybe after some coffee?
A concussion AND forceps delivery. Now we know. :>) LOL
I consider myself tagged! Thanks.
Ah, Melanie...trust YOU to make me smile!
And Carol? I so totally relate it isn't EVEN funny!
Spanish rice in a can. I have never seen that in my area in Canada. LOL to the remote on your desk not matching the tv on your desk. Sounds a little too familiar, that one. Those were fun to read.
Got it and will do..... I am also an elephant. I can remember things from when I was very small. Personally, I think it must be a sign of extreme intelligence! I think my equivalent of Spanish rice must be tinned spaghetti hoops. You do not want to know!
You have memories from age 3...good grief I have about 5 memories before the 6th grade.
My mom jokes that with a poor memory it's easier to forgive people...cause you can't recall why you were mad to begin with.
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