I used to be one of those people who could fall asleep in 3.72 seconds flat, sleep for eight or nine hours, and wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the world. My husband used to be so jealous of me, because he never could go to bed and just fall asleep without tossing and turning.
That was then. This is now.
That was then. This is now.
It is now 4 a.m. in the morning. (I get redundant when I'm sleep-deprived.) I have been up since 3 a.m. with what I've come to call The 3 Ayem Blues. Slumber eludes me in these hours for some unknown reason. Maybe it's the stress of the previous day. Maybe it's an active dream life. Maybe it's a lot of things. Maybe it's just that I need to pee.
One thing it isn't, is sleep.
I have come to cherish those times when I can actually get to sleep after a reasonable amount of time, and stay asleep the whole night, by myself, without the aid of my new best friend, Ambien.
While she's a likeable sort, she tends to leave me a little groggy in the early morning. You know, like we've partied hearty all the previous night, as I am so very prone to do in my advanced age, because really, once you hit your EXTREEEEMELY late 40's?
It's all about the party.
So being in the Party Mode I am, I hiked myself out of the bed after staring at the ceiling for an hour, which, considering my utter blindness without aid of glasses and the fact that it is PITCH BLACK DARK, is a feat in and of itself. This Party Girl got up and got down by putting dinner for tonight in the crockpot.
Don't ever let anyone tell you this Paragon of Partydom doesn't know how to have a good time.
Oh no.
And so I live by this verse:
Proverbs 20:13
Do not love sleep or you will grow poor; stay awake and you will have food to spare.
Because really, I have no choice.
And so, being as it's almost time to get up, I believe I will once again try to go to sleep. After all, I have a full two hours to waste between now and all the chocolate-chip pancakes I've been ordered to prepare for the breakfasting Princess and Prince.
We here at the House of Singer may not be able to slumber, but we eat well.
And that's another story....
I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me.
Oh dear. Praying that you get some good long sleep real soon! I hate it when I wake up in the middle of the night. I need all the zzzz's I can get 'cause unlike the good girl you are, I stay up way too late and then have to get up about 7 hours later.
This is SO me! I wrote a post a few days ago at 4am as well. Maybe we are long lost twins. At least you didn't decide to re-arrange the furniture. I have done that too. At 4 am.
Bless your heart. Which is what we say in Texas when we don't know what else to say. I feel awful for you. It takes me a bit to get to sleep at night - ten minutes, maybe - but then that's it. I'm out until either my husband or a nuclear explosion wakes me up.
I wish I could share.
Oh, I am so with you, SISTAH!! Lately I've just wondered why on earth even start out trying to sleep? I should just skip that part and move on to the 'can't sleep mode.' Oh I loooong for the good ol' days when sleep came within seconds.
House of Singer? Food? I thought that Singer was fabric and sewing...am I just walking around sleep deprived and missed seeing the memo? ;)
Oh my...we must all be entering into the ' Hormone Zone' !! I'll be praying for you, as I pray for myself! I keep reminding myself of the scripture " The sleep of the righteous is sweet" ( I don't have the reference)...And I've been reminding ME, God and anyone else who's listening, that tho in myself I'm not righteous, God see's me as such because of His son's sacrifice..and therefore, I SHOULD BE SLEEPING SWEETLY!! It's helping...But I know that God has been talking right back at me...about some things I'm worrying about too! So..I'm sure it's a combination of thigns! I'll put you on my list!
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