Lest you think I've been swallowed whole by some gigantic green ogre (a daunting feat, even for one so large), or been carried away by a knight in shining armour to live happily ever after, or fallen into some deep, deep sleep from which only a prince can awaken me with but a kiss, let me just say this.....
Get real, will you?
I have, for the past week or so, been working from 8-ish until around 6:30-ish every night. I'm trying to get a handle on what has and hasn't been going on in the position I was so blessed to get, and it's taking some small amount of time. We've eaten take-out more this past week than in the last six months. Tonight was a small breakthrough, though. I actually left work at 5:45 p.m. and cooked dinner at home!
Can I get an "AMEN!" here? Come on, now!
And can I just say this?!!!

Oh yes, Ma'am, I do.
Let me count the ways.
I'm busy. All. Day. Long. The day flies by. I'm challenged. Skills I haven't used in years have come back like old friends, but I'm still learning new things every day. I'm in an environment I love, working with people I care about, striving to do the best I can to help as many people as I can.
Wow. Is this a God thing, or what?
So if you're wondering whether I've floated away on a cloud, or been stolen by some giant at the top of the beanstalk, or fled into the woods only to be captured by a really ugly old lady in a gingerbread house, fear not!
The Queen of Far, Far Away shall return again, and I'll bring some interesting tidbits for you when I do. Just wait and see....
2 Peter 1:16
For we were not making up clever stories when we told you about the powerful coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We saw his majestic splendor with our own eyes...
That is a long day but sounds you are being chanllenged! Keep on plugging!
YaY! See . . . you're making this job your own and not just taking the place of that other person! Glad it's working out for you!
All those deleted comments above were mine! They were all the same thing!! I don't know why they posted four different times!!!
Anyway, great job in the new job!
Well, lest you don't hear it...let me be the first to say, "AMEN!!" :)
It's always so exciting when you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you are right where the good Lord placed you. Hurray!! It was like that for me the last time I worked. I walked out of the interview KNOWING that the good doc was going to offer me the job. And, he did and it was the best job I have ever held. Sometimes he calls me back in to help out every once in a while. That's nice.
Anyway, I'm so happy for you. And glad that you are getting more $ so you could afford those take out meals without feeling like you were going to break the bank. :)
Hey, if you ever get to the point where you can breath again, come over some night and sit on the deck with me and tell me all about it.
I'm so happy its all working out so well but then I knew it would. How could it not?
Praising God with you!
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