Sunday, October 22, 2006

On the Wings of a Dove

It's been dry in this bloggity world of mine. I'm suffering from no desire. No urge to write, no urge to go, no urge to do much of anything.

I'm thinking I could live this way for a while.

Things have just been so very hectic for so very long that I feel a need to step back, relax, enjoy the gorgeous colors of Fall that God has provided, spend time with my family, get my house clean, cook some decent meals, plan for a gathering of almost thirty for Thanksgiving, read, sleep, and generally veg out.

I'm tired.

Tired of the schedule I've been keeping. Tired of not having time to appreciate the gifts I've been given. I'm tired of not taking care of myself the way I should, and of not taking care of my family the way they deserve.

And so, it's time for a bloggity break.

I'm taking at least a week off, and maybe a little more. I'm going to force myself to stay away from blogdom for a while. I may even go somewhere for a couple of days... enjoy scenery... sleep... and not worry about who has to be where when and how they're going to get there and how the schedule has to be juggled to make it happen and how early do I have to leave work and how on earth am I going to arrange all of this?

It may not be easy. But it WILL be done. Because I need to find some sanity, at least for a little while.

Oh, don't worry. I'll be back soon, and just as sassy as ever...maybe even more so. But until then, just pretend I'm on vacation.

Which I am.

Psalm 55:6
I said, "Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest-(NIV)

1 comment:

Pilot Mom said...

Enjoy your time away! Come back refreshed!