Monday, October 16, 2006

OK God, I'm Listening

It has indeed been a day to remember.

A week ago Saturday I was sitting at a stop light, minding my own business, waiting for the light to turn green. A young man took that opportunity to run into the back of my car with his. No major damage, but my neck bothered me a little.

No big deal.

The insurance agency had their own repair center, so I took my car in, got a rental and was on my merry way. I got the repaired car back two days ago. I went to the chiropractor, and he confirmed the ligaments in my neck were swollen and strained. He prescribed a few more visits.

No big deal.

The adjustor came to my office and offered me money for "pain and suffering," neither of which I had much of, so I settled for a small amount. They'll still pay the doctor bills, because it was...say it with me now....

No big deal.

Then today happened.

I was on my way to the chiropractor's office. There was a construction area on the freeway, and traffic was backed up. I slowed down and took my place in line to get through the mess. Another young man took that opportunity to slam into my newly repaired bumper as he hit the back of my car.

This....THIS is a big deal.

To make matters worse, I now feel like I've been hit by the proverbial Mac truck. Literally.

Since I was on the way to the doctor anyway, I continued there. He took x-rays. He tried to adjust my neck. He ended up with some kind of electronic treatment that's supposed to help loosen up my muscles. My neck is really screwed up now, and my shoulder joined the party to boot.

So the question is this: What is God trying to teach me that I am obviously having a hard time learning? I mean, I've heard of the "holy 2 X 4," but I can't say as I've ever heard of Him using vehicular education before. Then again, I sure wouldn't put it past Him.

I didn't used to wear a seat belt. Now, before you get all "up in my grill" as Daughter would say, let me tell you that I was wearing one during the second accident. After the first one, I got this rental car that WOULD NOT SHUT UP until I fastened my seat belt, so I kinda got in the habit. Lesson learned there. Point for God.

So what's the point this time? I guess I'll just have to take the time to try to figure that out. In the meantime, I'll be slowing down the activity level some until I heal up.

Slowing down??? Hmmmmm.........are you thinking what I'm thinking?

OK God, I'm listening!

Proverbs 21:11
Simpletons only learn the hard way, but the wise learn by listening. (The Message)


Pilot Mom said...

Weeelll, just maybe, I'm not saying for sure, but it might not be you He is teaching. He just might have been teaching something to those young men. One can hope. :)

HeyJules said...

Chris! I can't believe you got hit again!

You know what I think it is? I think God wants you to have that new VW Bug afterall...

But that's just me.........


(Call me if I can do anything!)

kpjara said...

Good grief! I'm with Claire...surely He's teaching these young men something and perhaps you WILL get a new VW Bug out of the whole ordeal.

Take care of yourself and wear your seatbelt or I will be in your grill! You apparently need to go watch those videos at the DMV again!!! Remember the horrific pictures...I do!

kpjara said...

Sorry...I got a bit carried away. I didn't always wear mine either...but I'm a seat-belt addict now. If you ain't clicked in...we ain't moving.

Just Me said...

Wow! NOw that's a 'moment' I'd rather have missed - getting rear ended twice in the same week! So...altho I don't beleive God sends harm to teach us - He's the good Father, remember? - I do know, that as you said, He can use it and bring good out of it..and use it to show us something! My first reaction was: boy, this is a GREAT word picture of how the enemy sneaks up from behind - even when you think you're just 'tootling' along, not really doing any big thing in the Kingdom, and POW!! Thank you Father for Your protection - thank You Father that you have an opportunity to show you still Heal...and Thank YOu Father..that our friend, gets to have some 'down' time with you - turn ALL of this for Good...for her Good..and your glory!
Oh...and try alternating ice..and warmth on your neck - helped mine! Or ..just get miraculously healed - that works too!