Monday, October 16, 2006

Just Sitting Here

I can hardly keep my eyes open.

It is 12:34 a.m. in the MORNING, and I am still up. The laundry bug has bitten me HARD, and I am bound and determined to have all of this mess completed before the end of the week. I refuse to pile all of it in the car and make a trip to the laundromat. I figure I got me in this mess in the first place, so I will do my penance and get it done load by load by load by load....

In the meantime, I'm fighting to stay awake.

Oh, I could go to bed. I should go to bed. I have an important meeting tomorrow at work that I have to get ready for, and I know that.

Yet here I sit.

Why do I do this???

I know that I'll be like a fried zombie when the alarm goes off in six short hours. I know that I'll be tired all day. I know the only thing I'll want to do when I get home is go to bed. I know all these things.

And yet, I'm still sitting here.

One excuse is that I have a skirt in the dryer, and I have to take it out before it wrinkles. Another is that I haven't written much in the blog over the weekend, so I want to get another entry in before I go to bed. A third is that I'm really a night owl type of person, and I enjoy staying up late...IF I can sleep in the next day. Which I can't. Because, you see, I have all of this STUFF to do. Which I will do. But I won't be worth much while I'm doing it. Because I'm still awake and it's now 12:44 a.m.

Why does God put up with this kind of behavior? Why does He allow disobedience? Why doesn't He just make people fall over asleep where they stand when they need rest? Instead, He allows us to run ourselves until we can't run any more. Kind of like the two-year-old child. The more tired he gets, the faster he runs. It's as if he thinks he loses when he gives in and falls asleep.

Just like me.

And so, I will leave the skirt to wrinkle. That's why irons were made. And the blog entry is almost done. So this night owl is going to bed like a good child should. To rest.

Instead of just sitting here.

Psalm 116:7
Let my soul be at rest again, for the Lord has been good to me. (NLT)

Psalm 4:8
In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe. (NLT)

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