I am stressed. Totally, unequivocally, without question, stressed out of my gourd. My eyes are ready to overflow in rivers if someone looks at me cross-eyed, and I’m suffering one of the worst migraines I’ve had in months.
I have important projects at work that need to be finished yesterday. People are counting on them, and on me to get them done. I’m worried that all of the information I need will not be available in time for me to get the projects finished on time. I’m worried that I will disappoint the people who need me to complete these projects, and what they will think of me if I don’t.
We have a wedding out of town this weekend, and I’m taking the day off tomorrow to finish getting the family ready and to travel there. I have the dress, but no shoes or accessories. No packing has been done, and there is a mountain of laundry to finish before I can even begin that. To top things off, I’m worried about what the other people attending the wedding will think of me, the way I dress, how much I weigh, how I act, how my family looks, and how much money we obviously don’t have.
I know you have NEVER been in this type of situation, right? You are the calm, cool, collected type who always plans ahead, shops ahead, keeps your house in order. You can be ready to leave town at a moment’s notice, because all your laundry is done, your house is spotless, your kids and husband have everything they need, and you have the wherewithal to make sure everything runs smoothly. You never worry about what others think of you, because you are self-confident, self-assured, and have it all together.
Would you adopt me? ............... Please?
Granted, a true WOMAN OF GOD would not worry about what others think. She’d be satisfied to know that she is accepted and loved by her Heavenly Father, and that would be enough. She’d be a true Proverbs 31 woman, prepared for anything.
She isn’t me.
I’m fallible. I procrastinate. I have issues with (insert any number of things here). I’m insecure. And I could really, really, REALLY use a good cry about now.
So what am I going to do? I’m glad you asked.
I’m getting real with myself. I got myself into this, and I will deal with it, one step at a time. Here and now the self-pity stops. I’m picking myself up by the bootstraps, and I’m getting to work.
But first? I’m calling on Someone to help. You may know Him. He’s a good friend of mine.
Because this frazzled, crazed, out-of-touch-with-Him woman needs some sanity. Some peace. Some calm. Some acceptance. Some love.
And the only place to get it lies in HIM.
And when all of this is over? I will have a really, really, REALLY good cry. Yup. Because, after all, even a Proverbs 31 woman enjoys one of those every now and then, right?
I thought so.
1 Peter 5:7
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about what happens to you.
Ephesians 2:14
For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation...
Thank you for UFW and her ability to be so vulnerable and real. Thank you that she is truly going to You today. Please honor her and give her strength. Please God take away her migraine, as I believe that sickness is not from You. We ask that heaven would come down on earth, that she would truly feel the peace that heaven includes. Take care of her work, her family, her duties, and her finances. But most importantly Lord, meet her today in a tangible way. Bless you Father!
In Jesus Name,
Loved the transparency of your post today. You were real and yet, you went straight to our Father.
Prayers for you during this dryness and stress in your life.
Since you have just written a very personal post about me (less the wedding) I will begin praying for you. I know just how to approach our Father for you (and me)! (((Hugs)))
Thank you all for the prayers and hugs...I've felt them, and they've made a difference.
I promise to write an uplifting post when I get back.
Enough doom and gloom!!! :)
...well don't just sit there...pass me a tissue!
Boy oh boy...I could relate.
I hope the day off helped and the wedding is beautiful.
Have you heard the song, "Five Minutes at a Time?" I just heard it last week, don't know who sings it, but the basic idea is to take life in five minute increments. That seems kind of good, sometimes. One minute is a bit too small. But five minutes...
Hey...just dropped in and gotta say, LOVE your posts! Felt like I was reading my own - had to keep checking whose blog I was on!! Anyways...great stuff...same things God's been saying to me - so here's hug...and prayer for your headache...and a tissue !
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