There's no place like HOME!
As we drove in tonight, my thoughts went to my comfortable, messy home...sleeping in my comfortable, messy bed in my comfortable, messy room. There was no one to park the car for me, no one to carry my bags in, no one to come in and turn down the bed at night....and no one to tip every time I turned around just because they said hello to me.
I love my home!
Not that the hotel we stayed in wasn't nice...it was WONDERFUL. We were fortunate enough to get a four-star hotel for a mere pittance by going to a popular web site advertised by Captain Kirk of Star Trek fame. As we arrived we were greeted by uniformed doormen and valets, all eager to serve. Our vehicle was parked, bags unloaded and whisked up to our room in mere minutes of our arrival. The bed was the essence of comfort, the bathroom stupendous, the decor beyond reproach, the view was breathtaking, and all was sparkling clean and fresh. Towels were in abundance; fluffy, snow-white, thick, absorbent blankets of luxury. Scented soaps, shampoos and conditioners were all supplied for our convenience and bathing pleasure. There was a fully-equipped exercise room and indoor pool with a steaming jacuzzi. No less than a gazillion and five channels were provided on the television, and there was high-speed internet service available as well. A wide variety of the best food could be delivered to our door by merely calling room service. It was indeed a glorious place to stay.
But it wasn't HOME.
There were sights to see, new places to eat and explore. There were activities to fill our time in abundance, not including the wedding of my stepson. We navigated those unchartered waters with some trepidation, as evidenced by my previous post, but managed to come out unscathed. The wedding was small, intimate, and beautiful. The setting was a garden church with a view of nature that was breathtaking. The reception was aboard a riverboat, and both the cruise and meal were wonderful. We danced, we ate, we drank, we enjoyed the evening and all it had to offer. We returned to the wonderful hotel and slept like babies.
But we weren't at HOME.
This point was made clear to me more than once by my husband. He's the type of person who would be happy if he never had to leave the house again. He enjoys the same-ness of our life. He loves to be where he is most comfortable, most secure, most loved. He doesn't like sleeping in strange places. His perfect night consists of a meal at home, followed by television and going to sleep in his own bed with his own pillow and his own fan running comfortingly in the background.
Isn't that how it is with us as Christians?
We know that the life we lead now is not where we want to be. We're just visiting here. We long to be in the place we were created to inhabit, where we are loved by the One who created us in the beginning. We long to worship Him in the way He deserves to be worshipped, spending our days in that pursuit alone. We long for the day when we will experience eternal joy, peace, and freedom from all of the things we suffer here on earth.
We want to go HOME.
That doesn't mean we don't enjoy the journey. We don't have to be "so Heavenly minded we're of no earthly good," as the saying goes. We can live and love those around us. We can rejoice in the creation of God, from the smallest flower to the magnificent sunsets. We can glory in all that He has done for us here, and rejoice in what is yet to come.
We can dream of HOME.
And for now, that's enough.
Psalm 90:1
Lord, through all the generations You have been our home! (NLT)
2 Corinthians 5:8
Yes, we are fully confident, and we would rather be away from these earthly bodies, for then we will be at home with the Lord. (NLT)
Hey! REad your post, and couldn't help but think about a song done by Mercy Me - part of the chorus goes, " I'm just a kid trying to get home" ( speaking of heaven and the Father's presence). Then the Blind Boys of Alabhama chime in with ' Just wanna go Home- nothing more and nothing less". So..yeah..I loved your picture you painted with your words. My husband often preaches, that our spirits are on a journey to return to the Father's presence - that's why it's so important that we learn to live out of our spirits - they'll lead us 'home'! Anyways..great post- I just love how you write!!
Sounds like the wedding was beautiful! I'm so glad all went well. (Now I guess that means we have to stop praying about the trip and start praying for their marriage, eh?)
Great post, my friend. Made me think of the Don Henley song "Taking Me Home." Love that one...
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