Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cornless McCobberson

Today was the day I had planned to put up corn. However, the corn had other ideas.

I met Sis at the Farmer's Market with plans to give her two dozen of the six dozen ears I had ordered. We went to the local organic/natural/health food store first because I have become hooked on (imagine that) a certain brand of granola they carry. She picked up some hummus and pita chips and we proceeded on to the market.

I introduced her to the farmer I deal with on a regular basis, then asked if I could get my corn.

"Uh, no. It just wasn't as good as you need it to be in order to freeze it this week, so we'd like to wait until next week to bring you some that's better."

I almost kissed his feet.

Because really, in my heart of hearts, I had no desire whatsoever to put up corn tonight. And he promises he'll have it for the remainder of the summer, since he planted in different cycles. Right now he's estimating there will be fresh corn up until the middle of September. I'm a little skeptical, but I'll go along with it.

Because I am a lazy, slothful slug who hates putting up corn. There, I've said it.

Sis looked like she had been wrung out like a dishrag, rode hard and put away wet. She was tired. And I could tell she was just as glad as I was that the corn wasn't available. So I bought a couple of pounds of tomatoes and we left.

And yea verily, I was glad.

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