Monday, August 20, 2007

If The Shoe Matches, Wear It!

As stated in previous posts, I am not a fashionista. I am not a diva of the threads, nor am I one which keeps up with the latest in trends of fashion.

However. I believe I have set my very own trend. And I truly do believe it will run like wildfire across this nation; yea verily, unto the ends of the earth.

Today I wore two different shoes.

To work.

And I didn't even notice until I went to attend to delicate matters in the Ladies' Room. Where, upon being in a position which afforded me a clear view of my feet, caused women from all over the building to come a-runnin' to see the cause of the anguished cry from Stall #3.

It was a moment of great pride and personal dignity. Oh yes it was.

Because attached to the bottom-most extremities of my body are two dissimilar objects. Oh, both are sandals, true. And both are black. But that's where the similarity ends. The two are as different as ... well, two different sandals can be.

Honestly. Methinks I OD'd on my stupid pill today.



HeyJules said...


Linds said...

Daughter and I are shrieking with laughter here in her office in NZ.... I can just see it. I have missed you all and have so much to catch up on! Will be home this weekend and I still have 2 weeks holiday so I will be readign till my eyes give up. Glasses, maybe, my friend??!!

Susanne said...

Aww, I feel your pain. But I'm still stifling giggles. Hope the rest of your day is a little less mismatched.

groovyoldlady said...

Shoot. My 24 year-old daughter wears mismatched socks ALL the time. She does so purposely because just knowing that they don't go together makes her smile; it's FUN! Hence her screenname of Funsocksgirl.

I hereby redub you "His Sassy-Sandaled Singer".

Pilgrim Pals said...

HOW FUNNY!!! So THAT explains that loud shrilly type noise I heard wafting over the sky the other day...I wondered at the I know. ;)

Just Me said...

Oh thats TOO funny! I did a similar thing when I was working outside the home. I rushed off to work..and yes...when I needed to use the 'facilities', I sat down and looked! Yup! I had on one blue pump, and one black pump!

Gigi said...

Ok.....I just now had to go home and change my shoes.....the whole of judge not lest ye be judged....;)

Dianne said...

This is just too funny! You gotta wonder why someone hasn't established this as a fashion thing. Perhaps you are on to something there!!!