Saturday, September 01, 2007

Spic and Span

In an ever-growing effort to keep you, the bloggity public, informed and aware, let me just say this:

I am alive.

Oh yes, contrary to the glut of FOUR WHOLE POSTS you had to wade through last month, I am indeed among the breathing and those with a pulse.

My good buddy HeyJules reminded me over a cuppa joe today at our monthly You-WILL-Be-There-Or-I-Will-Hunt-You-Down-Like-The-Dog-You-Are get-together at Starbucks that it had been a while since anyone had heard from me.

I vehemently denied it until she showed me the cobwebs which had overtaken my blogspace, along with the icky, digusting dust mite thingies in the corners.


Um, does anyone have any Works-For-Me-Wednesday or Thursday Thirteen or Friday Feast or Saturday Sumpin' cleaning hints for the corners of a blog?..... Anyone??? .........


So here's me, bandana on my head a la Lucille Ball and Ethel Mertz, mop in hand, wearing pink Playtex gloves, with ammonia, rags and hot water in a bucket.

Oh, and bright red lipstick and false eyelashes. We can't forget the false eyelashes.

Katie bar the door, the cleaning lady's here!


Linds said...

Good to see you back! Ignore the mites and cobwebs, girl....just talk! We don't mind the hacking cough or bandanna or mask!

HeyJules said...

That's better...

Susanne said...

Welcome back. I heard just typing words into sentences will get them dust mites to disappear! ;v)

Pilot Mom said...

Now, ya know what? I consider it a real BLESSING that God gave me poor eye sight. Because I never notice those things! LOL!!! So, if you wear contacts then, for heavens sake, take them out! You will find out how much of a blessing poor eyesight can be! ;)