I keep making the same mistakes over and over again. Have I ever mentioned that before? Like, oh, almost every time I write? You’d think I’d eventually learn. But no, this stubborn spirit of mine just keeps on running in the same track. By now the ruts are so deep I can’t see over the sides.
And still I continue.
The latest-go-round concerns what we all experience at one time or another and what’s been pretty much preached to death. However, as long as it’s alive in my own personal life in the ugliest way it can be, I’ll have to deal with it.
Yes, it’s time for the latest installment of:
And I ain’t talkin’ Stewart here, folks.
Yup, Martha of the Mary and Martha team. Martha, who can’t seem to realize that THE LORD JESUS CHRIST is in her home, and who spends all her time cleaning and sweeping and cooking and changing sheets and dusting and polishing. Even though the human incarnation of GOD HIMSELF is in her living room, she can’t see past the fact that Mary isn’t pulling her fair share of the load. Instead of helping Martha with the mundane chores of everyday life, Mary is doing something of lasting import; listening to teaching from the Son of God himself. The Real McCoy. In the flesh, so to speak.
And our friend Martha has a pity party because Mary isn’t helping her, and whines to JESUS about it.
Let me say that one more time just to be sure you heard me…
She TATTLED to JESUS CHRIST, THE SON OF GOD, about having to do chores by herself.
Allow me to pause here for emphasis.
When she could have been sitting at the feet of her Lord and Savior, she didn’t. She chose instead to take care of things that had no lasting earthly value whatsoever. The meals she prepared are back to dust. The home she cleaned so carefully is back to dust. Even Martha’s earthly body is…say it with me now…back to dust.
She was giving up the chance to learn and grow spiritually from the Teacher of all teachers because, you know, there were more important things to do.
I am the first to admit I suffer from this complex in a mighty way, and it’s something I deal with daily. When the coffeepot goes dry at work and no one refills the sugar, I become Martha. When someone leaves a mess in the bathroom, it calls Martha forth from the inner recesses of my being as I clean up after them. “Poor me!” I wail. “Poor, poor pitiful me! I have to do it ALL!”
Yup, I do. Oh yes, indeed.
When I come home late and no one has started dinner, but they’re all sitting there watching television telling me how hungry they are, the Martha Monster rises from the mist. She’s big, she’s ugly, and she’s mean.
I don’t think I EVEN need to go into the laundry situation, do I?
How can I tame this beast within? How can I concentrate on the more important tasks of loving and caring for others? How can I set the Martha in me aside to do these things?
Although I conquer my "inner Martha" for long periods of time, there always comes a time when she resurfaces. Much like the two-year-old I keep in the dungeon, Martha has a way of appearing when I'm tired, lacking sleep, and generally not taking care of the body I've been given. But a sure way to get rid of her is to realize she's there.
A couple of weeks ago I had such a realization. I had just made three pots of coffee, refilled the sweetener receptacles, and cleaned up the kitchen where I work. AGAIN. Martha had come out, and I was complaining/whining/tattling to a friend of mine about how no one else ever did those things. After I finished, I walked out to the elevator and pressed the button.
While I was waiting for the elevator, I happened to notice a daily devotional someone had placed on the bulletin board just outside the elevator doors.
The whole devotional had to do with Martha and the story of her misplaced attentions. The whole thing.
Can you say "OUCH" with me?
I went back to the kitchen and apologized to my friend. From then on, I've made coffee when needed, refilled sweetener receptacles when needed, and cleaned when needed, without a murmur.
Tonight, as I deal with my bill-paying angst, my dirty house, my tired body and mind, I thank God for each thing. I have a way to pay bills. I have a house to clean, and a family to love. I have a healthy body, and even a somewhat healthy mind. Tonight, instead of being whiney, I have chosen to be thankful.
I have a new perspective now. Martha is locked in the dungeon along with the rebellious two-year-old me. And I hope they both stay there for a very long time.
A VERY long time.
Luke 10:38-42 (Contemporary English Version)
Martha and Mary
The Lord and his disciples were traveling along and came to a village. When they got there, a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. She had a sister named Mary, who sat down in front of the Lord and was listening to what he said. Martha was worried about all that had to be done. Finally, she went to Jesus and said, "Lord, doesn't it bother you that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her to come and help me!" The Lord answered, "Martha, Martha! You are worried and upset about so many things, but only one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen what is best, and it will not be taken away from her."
It's only when we forget to check ourselves are we in serious danger. God will not let this slip past you in your life, apparently! You know, maybe he's telling you over and over how valuable to him you are, too. I found that when I joined a Bible study that was pretty rigorous, with homework and all, I had to put down the dust cloth for more important things. Don't know why it takes that for me, but it does.
OH... after reading the post before this, I feel compelled to tell you how over-scheduled you are! (well, at least I think so.) Maybe that's why you're feeling so much pressure. I'm just afraid you'll burn out. Take care of yourself.
Hi! I struggle with the same syndrome - maybe we all do to some extent. I don't know if this will help you...but it's helped me - before I do anything now, I just ask the Father, " Is this for me to do?" If He says 'yes' I do it and joyfully becuase I know He wants me to...if He says 'No'..I can leave it, knowing that He has someone else assigned to do it..and if they don't do it - it's not my problem - the Father said 'no'. See, I got this figured out..that Jesus saw LOTS of needs around him, but He only did what He heard the Father telling Him to do..and somehow He managed to not feel quilty about it - that's the place I want to be too. Doing what I hear the Father telling me to do and saying what I hear Him telling me to say. And relaxing about the rest! He has other people He's directing during the day...I just need to stop intercepting every need and thinking it's my job. Plus..I've learned to say to my family: 'So..who wants to help me get supper ready?' Usually no one responds...but I keep smiling and say, " I need someone to make salad while I get this adn this done. And I need someone to set the table" etc. etc. It's also been helping. AND..the biggest help, has also been our family keeping the TV off until 7 or 8 - no afterschool TV now - and you'd be amazed at how much more helpful they are! Anyway..this is way too long a post..but it just struck such a cord with me..I just had to share!
Because I can easily relate to Martha, anytime I read that story I cringe for her. To go tattle to Christ, then be set straight. Dont you know she just wanted to melt. I'm thankful he left the lesson there for us.
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