But REALLY, y'all.
For the past week I've taken my lunch to work and eaten in the lunchroom there. For the past week I've not only taken my lunch and eaten in the lunchroom, but I've done a Bible study during lunch. And not only have I taken my lunch, eaten in the lunchroom and done a Bible study during lunch, but my lunch was HEALTHY.
Something is seriously amiss here. Or mayhap it's just the menopausal actions of a woman gone hormonally mad, so to speak. If I'd known a lack of hormones would cause me to become more stable, responsible and thrifty, not to mention disciplined, I think I would've yanked out the old ovaries back in my extreeeemely late 20's instead of having them die a slow, painful death for the next, oh, HUNDRED YEARS or so.
And please let me take this opportunity to let you in on something you've absolutely been dying to know: THE HOT FLASHES HAVE BEGUN IN EARNEST.

I have both a portable heater and a box fan in my office. Suffice it to say they both get a workout, but at different times of the day. I dress in layers now. Someone was in my office last week, and during the course of the ten-minute conversation I all but got nekkid in front of her.
She: Uh, Singer?
Me: Yes?
She: Are you feeling OK?
Me: Of course. Whyever do you ask?
She: Because as we've been talking, you (1) turned on the fan, (2) removed copious amounts of clothing, and (3) are fanning yourself with a file folder. To give you some perspective, I have long underwear on under my insulated clothing, and I'm actually considering putting on my parka, ski mask and gloves after I start a fire somewhere just to stay warm.
Me: Maybe I have a fever. Or it could be that hot coffee I just drank.
She: Uh-huh. More likely it's a severe case of DENIAL.
Ouch. That hurt. But then again, the truth sometimes does, eh?
Yes Ma'am, it does.
So I'm actually going through what every other woman around my age does. Funny, but I thought it would happen to everyone else...not me. I thought I'd just fly right through this without even knowing it was there. It would be a breeze. Easy. Maybe even fun! And in my delusional state, I could even eat CHOCOLATE and not gain an ounce.

Oh Lordie, call out the men in the white coats. We've got a true basket case here!
At the same time I'm thanking God. Having "personal summers" is a great way to affirm that I'm somewhat normal, at least physically. It lets me know that it's OK that I'm a grandmother, too. Because if I didn't have physical evidence of it, I'd still think I was around my mental age of 35.
Yes, I said THIRTY-FIVE. Hey, it's my delusion, and I can be any age I want!
And I would be hard pressed to be a grandmother at 35, even though I got the whole show started early. So I'll take the age I am and thank God for it. I'll thank Him for everything that goes with this age as well, because each day presents new and different things to learn. New friends to meet. New challenges to overcome. New people to love on.
And a greater love for Him.
It's true what they say, you know. Women, like fine wine, improve with age. I'm living proof!

They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green.
Isaiah 46:4
Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.
I loved this post! I've said before if we didnt fall apart a little at a time, then the option would be to be perfectly healthy and drop dead and that would be way too unexpected for those who love us, so a little bit every day - but we may as well enjoy the journey. Box fans may make it more bearable, and definitely a little chocolate now and then. They discuss QOL - Quality of Life - talking about the elderly but we around 50 should have a bit of it too. I saw a group of women yesterday having lunch, every single one of them was having salad, and I thought - how sad, You could die tomorrow and youre eating salad. Live a little!
Although I haven't yet started in on the "personal summers" I have noticed spring occasionally breaking out in the middle of the night. I noticed just the other day that I used to spend the winters freezing to death in my poorly insulated back bedroom but now I have one blanket and I'm throwing off covers in the middle of the night.
And like you said, that's okay. I'm ready for this to all be over. Die away, ovaries, die away!
When my time comes I will have to remind myself I am just having a "personal summer". That is too funny as is the picture of the lady!
Great Perspective! I can't wait to pass along "personal summer."
great post....
"Personal summer?" *snort* I love it!
Unfortunately, I can relate to more of this than my denial will allow me to admit.
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