And I'm not just saying that because I think any one of them just might be reading this blog and after doing so, might just want to hunt me down like the dog they just might think I am and arrest me for no good reason just to get back at me or anything. Really.
That said, I must admit to having one of the worst nights possible in terms of entertainment value and bang for your proverbial buck. And it was all thanks to one of those wonderful men in blue. And he really was in blue and not tan.

However, there's one problem. My daughter is too scared to take the first test. She's afraid she'll flunk it.
In order to help her out, I found a wonderful little class to help her with the learning of The Book. It was advertised as a fun and informational way to prepare for the learner's permit test. It promised to aid and abet my daughter in her pursuit of vehicular freedom by telling her everything she'd ever want to know about the test, including possible questions. I was excited to be able to provide this exceptional learning opportunity to my offspring, and I was sure she'd be just as excited as I was.
Wrong. Oh, so very wrong.
"What kind of STUPID thing IS this??? And WHY did you sign me up without even ASKING me first??? This is going to be SO LAME!!!" Tender words from the girl-child of my heart, as I informed her of the opportunity afforded her. My daughter is nothing if not appreciative of my thoughtfulness.

And so, after suffering through a verbal barrage of why-do-I-have-to-do-thisses and if-I-see-ANYBODY-I-know-we-are-SO-leavings we ventured to the library tonight for The Class. Of course, being of the gene pool we are, we were five minutes late and the class had already started. A rather large, imposing state highway patrolman was leading this little seminar, and there were what appeared to be four other young adults who had been forced there by their respective parents, along with one other parent. All of the teenagers appeared bored and uncommunicative, including my little angel. It was more than obvious that none of them wanted to be there.
The lights were dimmed, and the officer was showing a short clip on driving safety. After the clip was over, he announced he was going to stress the importance of seat belts throughout the class because of their obvious importance. And stress it he did.

Oh yes, it did.
Silently, each one of us in our own special way was screaming, "Oh my WORD, are you EVER going to get to the REASON we CAME HERE???" Not that showing these scenes to teenagers who believe themselves to be above the laws of physics, accidents and acts of God is bad...quite the contrary. But there's such a thing as OVERKILL, especially among your typical teenage crowd.
Finally, one hour and ten minutes in, with a big grin on his face, he said, "Well, let's take a look at the book!"
And look at the book we did. As he READ from it. To teenagers. Who rolled their eyes when he wasn't looking.

It took all of ten minutes.
And the class was over.
I now have a teenaged daughter who will remember this as the night Mom made her suffer through a LAME class and ALL THEY DID was WATCH FILM CLIPS OF WRECKS ALL NIGHT LONG and I could have been studying for my French test, but NOOOOOOOOO. I TOLD HER it was going to be like this, but SHE WOULDN'T LISTEN!
My grandchildren's grandchildren will tell the story. I will never live it down.
He shoulda just shot me, right then and there.
1 comment:
LOL! Boy did it ever take me back to driver's training classes. I could just see the eyeballs rolling!
My daughter is learning to drive also. She has her learner's and has to drive with a liscenced adult to one year. The she can take a driver's test and get her driver's liscence.
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