Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I've Gotten Me Into A Fine Mess This Time, Haven't I?

I don't know if I've mentioned this or not, but come January 7th or 8th, there will be a few changes at the old His Singer Ranch and Leg-Waxing Emporium.

Allow me to elaborate, please.

Last year I managed to lose about forty pounds through the grace of God and help from a group of friends. We met every Monday night to encourage one another, pray for one another, and kick one another's behinds if it was warranted.

And yes, my behind bears the bootmarks of many a Monday night.

Along about August, I started to plateau. While I didn't give up the eating plan completely, little side trips to the cookie jar and a few jaunts to Baskin-Robbins were known to take place. All in all though, I held it together until the Thanksgiving Feast.

And then Christmas baking began.


From then on it seemed to be a contest to see just exactly how many cookies I could eat in one day and still be able to (1) breathe, and (2) fit into my pants.

Sadly, it has come to the point where I am having trouble breathing again, and even more sadly, people will actually have to look at me trying to breathe in the only pants I now own...which are a size smaller than I have grown. I mean REALLY, people.


I would say that again for emphasis, but I think I'm already to the where's-the-vat-of-hot-fudge-that-I-can-drown-myself-in stage, and frankly, you just can't get much lower than that.

So on either January 7th or January 8th, depending on how motivated I get and how much birthday cake there is left, I will be once again joining the sane world of self-control. My friends will also join me as we continue on this journey, so I know we'd appreciate your prayers for continued discipline and a really good lock for the refrigerator door, whose key will be kept under 24-hour guard in a tightly-sealed 5-gallon pickle jar on the front porch of Funk and Wagnall.

Along those same lines, I have made a commitment to exercise.

All right, y'all can stop laughing just about any time now......

I went over to
Nancy's to sign up. All I have to do is walk. That's all. Just walk. And really, when you think about it, that's something I do every day anyway, so it should be a piece of the proverbial birthday cake or two. If you'd like to join us, please do! Just go here to sign up, and please leave a comment to tell me you're joining in. It'll be fun. Really it will.

Of course, that all depends upon your definition of "fun."

In my case it will be fun in an Eeyore-ish sort of way for the first few...um...years or so, but I'm sure y'all will just leap for joy every time you put those tennies on to hop out the door! Of course, since I'm planning on whompin' all over HeyJules as far as The Mileage goes, it may be somewhat enjoyable at that. Hmmm.....

With that, I'm going to roll out of this chair and waddle up the stairs to bed, determined to think more about these upcoming changes tomorrow.

Because after all, tomorrow is another day.

Lamentations 3:21-24
Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning. I say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in Him!”


kpjara said...

Hubby and I are beginning our 'walks' and weight-loss on January 8th as well!

Yeah for you!

HeyJules said...

I knew a throw down would get you going! hahahahaha

You can't catch me...you can't catch me...na na na na na na...

Seriously though - I am more than happy to pray for your self control since I know you'd love to pray for mine. :-) We can do this - anytime you want a walking buddy you just let me know.

Of course, I'll then walk another mile after we're done just so I can say I won for the week. (No, I'm not competitive in the LEAST little bit!)

Dawn said...

I can SO relate! I now weight the most I have ever weighed in my life. I'm a backslidden lifetime WW member, who knows what to do backward and forward. I began again Monday and MUST get back into my clothes. I WILL! I will also go to the gym at least 3 times a week. Let's keep each other encouraged!

Susanne said...

I'm starting walking too. This last year has been a horrid undisciplined time for me both in eating and exercise and I can tell by all the aches and pains I'm starting to get! Thanks for the motivation.

Big Mama said...

Oh Christmas has left it's mark on me in the form of an unspecified amount of pounds (I really don't know because I'm scared to find out). Good luck!

And His Singer Ranch and Leg Waxing Emporium is just a classic line.

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Yes, Scarlett, tomorrow IS another day. Have I ever mentioned I'm a former Weight Watcher Leader?? i'll have to post about that sometime.