The half-century mark.
The fiftieth anniversary of my appearance on this planet. Please, hold your applause.
In honor of such, I present to you (drum roll, please) :
You May or May Not
Care to Know About Me
- I love food. Any food, mostly. I'll try any food once, and if it doesn't burn my mouth to ashes or taste worse than it looks, I'll probably eat it again. Because in case you weren't aware, I love food.
- I abhor, despise, and cannot stand the smell of the Bath and Body Works scent known as Plumeria. Gag. Puke. Ick.
- I was 19 when my first son was born. I was absolutely clueless as to what on earth I was doing. My son survived, thankfully.
- My hair used to be so long that I could sit on it.
- I got kicked out of Pep Club in high school for not making enough posters or decorating enough lockers during my tenure. Also for not being peppy enough or really giving a flying fig about any of it at all.
- I love to sing. I sing backup harmony in the band at church.
- I have been to Orange Walk Town, Belize, and lived there with a family for a week.
- A boy I dated once took me on a date to a restaurant with a salad bar. He told me to be sure to get the greenest leaves of lettuce because they'd soaked up the most sunshine. I thought he was the weirdest boy I'd ever dated because of that remark
- I have flat feet.
- Because of my flat feet, I wore corrective shoes all through grade school. Years later I found all the corrective shoes did was make me have deformed feet.
- Davy was my favorite Monkee. Still is.
- George was my favorite Beatle.
- I used to talk to cows. In their own language. They didn't talk back. I'd be worried if they had.
- My parents are originally from Arkansas.
- I hate the taste of beer and most wine. The one wine I actually like is Japanese plum wine. When I bought a bottle last year and had a glass before dinner, my son asked me if I was an alcoholic. He'd never seen me drink before.
- The people in my department at work call me "Mom."
- I adore sushi.
- I will never be happy with the cleanliness of my home. Unless, of course, I have a cleaning lady....... so I will never be happy with the cleanliness of my home.
- Mathematics and I do not get along well.
- I am extremely directionally challenged. My husband suggested we install a GPS system in my shoes just so he could tell where I was when I called him for directions.
- The state of Kansas is nearly impossible to navigate for someone with my limited directional ability.
- However, I can go to Colorado and find my way around just fine, thank you.
- I once owned a goldfish that moved marbles around in the bottom of the fish bowl.
- I have not seen my true hair color in four years or more.
- I have to have my feet outside of the covers in order to sleep. Otherwise, I have a hard time breathing.
- I tie my shoes upside-down.
- I can remember things that happened when I was three years old.
- I will oftentimes eat only one thing at a time on my plate. When the one thing is finished, I'll start eating the next thing. My mother says this is because she fed me one jar of baby food at a time without alternating between them.
- I have to have something to drink with me at almost all times. Usually it's water or iced tea.
- I don't drink pop, except on very rare occasions.
- I hate to exercise.
- My behind bears witness to this.
- I was 33 when I married my husband. He is the one true love of my life.
- He is also 11.5 years older than I am, so....
- I already had an AARP card before I turned 50.
- I remember when my dad turned 50 and I teased him about being a certified antique. Now I are one.
- I have never been to California.
- I only own three different colors of slacks; black, navy blue and khaki.
- I am related to the television evangelist Rex Humbard. He and my grandfather were cousins. I had the same gap between my teeth as I was growing up.
- Thank you God, for retainers.
- Connie Dover, the singer of Irish ballads, played the piano and was a bridesmaid in my first wedding. We were great friends in high school and used to speak in accents together when we went out to eat or shopping.
- I love to laugh and to make other people laugh.
- When I was three years old, I accidentally fell on a garden stake. It went up my nose, and I still have a scar where the skin tore.
- I snore. I know, it's hard to believe, but it's true. Of course, I do it in a very ladylike and delicate way. At least I haven't broken any windows or sound barriers, anyway.
- I got 100% on a Weekly Reader test in 3rd grade. I cheated on the test. I saw the answer sheet and I knew one of my answers was wrong, so I changed it before I handed it in. Shame on me. (Yes, Cindabel, it's true! Mrs. Riffle is probably turning in her grave as we speak!)
- I have known one of my oldest and dearest friends for FORTY-FIVE YEARS. That's you, Cindy!
- I have known another dear friend for less than a year, and she is the one who introduced me to blogging. Thank you, Julie!
- From now on I will refer to myself as being in my EXTREEEMELY late 40's. Time marches on.
- This is my Year of Jubilee. I intend to spend it celebrating the life God has given me, and thanking Him for ALL of it...good and bad included. Because that's what makes it the life it is.
And now, Dear Reader, if you've gotten to the end of this list without falling asleep, I have one request of you.....
For my birthday wish, I'd really like for you (yes, YOU) to PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE leave a comment telling me what city and state you are from. That's all. Just that. Would you please indulge an old lady with that small act? I'd be ever so grateful.
And hey, thank you for taking the time to read this little diatribe of mine. You are appreciated!!!
True humility and fear of the Lord lead to riches, honor, and long life.
Happy Birthday! From "Cool Mama" in Abbotsford, British Columbia, CANADA!! I too, graduated to the 'half century' club - so I can tell you - it's GREAT! Wierd....but GREAT! have a great birthday! I do pop in regularly, just don't always leave comments - but today you asked..and you recieve!
Corrective shoes--we are sisters of the mangled feet. #15 cracks me up. Are you sure you're not in denial?? I'm wondering why co-workers call you mom.#20 sounds exac. like my husb. #23:If he were alive today, he could be on YouTube.(the fish) #25: My daughter does/says the same thing.She ove-heats, too. I tie my shoes upside down, too. I think it's from learning from our moms upside down, you know? When my dad turned 50, I remember saying, "You're half a century old!" I'm absolving you of #46. My husband used to be Catholic, so by osmosis, I think i can absolve you. I pray that god truly makes this a year of Jubilee for you. Sorry for the long post, but I actually limited myself. Happy, happy birthday, from Linda in Muncie, Indiana.
I mean "over-heats" and God with a capital G. I don't usually pray to gods.
so what's it like being a certified antique now? Columbia, MO
Happy BIrthday from Oklahoma City, OK:-) I was 9 when my Dad turned 50 so I remember how much I teased him about it and now it just doesn't seem that old lol I didn't realize how many things we had in common till I read this lol I am VERY directionally challenged...I lived in Florida up until Aug 2006 and still got lost DAILY. Oklahoma is a little better but I still get lost. It is actually annoying to me but my kids think it is funny.
Happy Birthday to you. May God bless you with lots of love and laughter, grace and peace. From Alberta, Canada
Happy Birthday from a lurker! I'm in Modesto, California. It was so nice to get to know you a bit better. We have 15 and 18 in common.
When I turned 40-10 my husband gave me a surprise party. Boy was I mad at him! But I had so much fun, and I quit being mad at him about it! I'm now nearly 40-13 and it's one of my favorite nights!
I used to have a co-worker who called me Mom or Mother. He now works somewhere else, but when I talk with him on the phone, he still calls me that! He's also 3 or 4 years older than me.
So . . . Happy Birthday from Houston Texas!
And a very happy birthday to you from me, your somewhat younger friend who couldn't love you more if I tried. I am NOT going to even go into how many of these things we share in common because it will only freak the both of us out even more but know that you are so loved right here in your home town of Kansas City, MO!
Hey, I popped over from HeyJules,
I'm from Alberta, Canada
Hi from England..... Happy birthday! I am 2 years past my "jubilee" so welcome to the club. It is great to get to know you better!
Happy birthday! I enjoyed reading your 50 things. Have just started reading your blog and am really enjoying it.
I'm from Canton, Georgia
Happy Birthday from Jacksonville, FL!
Many of the Bath and Body Works fragrances give me a headache.
Happy Birthday from Longview, Washington. I been lurking and really enjoy your sense of humour.
just found you from Rocks in my Dryer and don't know how often I'll be able to get back...I'm in Glendale, AZ
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