Yes, 'tis I, resident Senior Citizen, back again to report on the happenings of this, the Jubilee Birthday, before I fall over in my tracks and have to be revived. (Which I understand is a common occurence for people of advanced age.)
The day began with a trip to Starbucks, where I met the lovely Julie, the lovely Shannon and the lovely Jetta for coffee and God-talk. OK, and other talk as well. And coffeecake. And flowers. And a gift card. And a roll of toilet paper for 50-year-olds with funny sayings to read while you wait.
And I'll leave that one right where it landed.
I love all three of the sweet ladies who were present, and my thanks is great for their friendship as well as the other stuff. We gabbed for almost two-and-one-half hours before I HAD to leave to meet my mom and sister for lunch.
Sister was late getting to Mom's, so Mom and I talked for a while. When Sister got there we went to a combination catfish place and middle eastern cafe in a small town north of here. (Don't ask. It's a story for another day. Trust me.) The service was slow, so we were there a bit longer than we'd planned. After we got back to Mom's everyone went in and I picked up the traditional German chocolate 3-layer birthday cake Mom always makes for me to take home. I thought Sister would be leaving at the same time, but she and Mom just kind of stood around, so I left. I thought it was funny that neither one of them took their jackets off, but you never know about people in my family....you just never know.
I went home to pick up Daughter for a trip to church to go with the youth group to a Lazer Tag place. We stopped and picked up a friend of hers along the way. On the way to church, my daughter told me she'd forgotten to pick up permission slips for she and her friend to go on this trip, and I'd have to come in to sign one for both of them.
I was not happy. I had planned to go get a manicure and pedicure before we went out to dinner, and this was going to delay things. I parked the car and followed them in.
They headed to where the kids were meeting; the dining hall. As I rounded the corner, a sea of faces appeared and greeted me with


And believe me, it was one.
I didn't think Hubster had it in him. Truly I didn't. But he and the kids had worked for over a month to make this happen, and happen it did. All I expected was a little family deal, but I ended up with a great party. My son and daughter-in-law brought my granddaughter in, my grandson was there, and all the kids were there. Friends from church came to wish me well, and Julie took pictures while Jetta served cake, both doing double duty for the day. Mom and Sister were there, after rushing home to pick up Brother-In-Law and double-timing it up to the church. Hubster's side of the family was out in full force as well.
After everyone left Hubster told me how the plan had gone down. Suffice it to say he's sneaky, that one. And then he took me out to dinner.
Because, you know, I hadn't had a chance to celebrate my birthday ALL DAY or anything.
So at this moment in time I am one incredibly thankful camper. Thankful that I have a husband, family, and friends to love me. Thankful that I have my comfy flannel-lined nightgown on. Thankful for bloggy friends the world over.
And most thankful that I have a God and Father who watches over all. Thank You, God, for all of the above. And thank You for another year to serve You.
And the manicure and pedicure can wait for another day.
And the manicure and pedicure can wait for another day.
Proverbs 9:11
For through me your days will be many, and years will be added to your life.
gotcha... ;-)
Love you, Bud. Thanks.
What a nice surprise!
That is wonderful. This is one of those stories to be passed on to grandkids, etc. Glad you had a great day!I thought about you during the day several times.
Oh. My. Word!
What a phenomenally fun birthday! A very happy one to you from me, too!
Yeah, that Bill...he's a sneaky one as it turns out!
Glad you had a wonderful day. Let the year of Jubilee begin!!!
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday!!! I'm a tad late...but I'm still glad for you! :D
Ahhh! Happy Birthday - way to go! I celebrated my Jubilee this year too and I love it! I finally feel just grown up enough that I can do what I want, but still free to let the kid in me come out ! May your year be filled with more unexpected surprises!
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