There are only a few times in this life when you meet someone who is so like you, that has so very many things in common with you, that it's downright scary. And if that person just happens to be just as outgoing and personable as you are, you're blessed. Because then the two of you can get together and enjoy some awesome times.
I first saw Julie at her baptism. I heard tell of this incredibly gifted writer-type person who had recently accepted Christ. I got the address of her blog and started reading. To say she blew my socks off with her writing is the understatement of the century. She is a Christian, yes, but a Christian who is daring to seek TRUTH about her walk. She wants to know the hows and whys of what she says she believes. She wants to delve deep into the person of God, and develop the relationship each and every one of us COULD have, if only we took the time and effort to do so.
On that Sunday I saw her being baptized, I had no idea of why she had chosen that particular time to do it. Our church usually does baptisms at a lake north of here, and due to that we only do it in the summertime. We hold a church-wide celebration and picnic, and party our hearts out to declare the joy we have at each of the people who come forward to follow God in this way.
But Julie didn't do that. I'd heard she had some sort of medical condition that would keep her from going to the lake, but I had no idea how devastating the condition was. Julie suffers from cardiomyopathy. At the time of her baptism she didn't know if she would actually LIVE to make it to the next celebration at the lake. She wanted to make sure she declared her love for the Lord by being baptized...just in case. And in case you haven't read her testimony, please do so. I guarantee your socks will be blown off, too.
I decided I had to meet her.
Since I sing in the band and I'm on the prayer team, it's hard for me to talk with people who leave right after the service is over. Julie is one of those people. Because of that, I asked one of the assistant pastors to contact Julie and have her come up after the service so we could meet.
It was like I found another sister. Yes Ma'am, it was.

We emailed back and forth, and decided to meet at Starbucks to get to know each other better. The idea was that we would dress in whatever was laying around, and no makeup was allowed. I was SO into this.
I had absolutely no idea what was in store.
We ended up telling our stories to each other, and finding so many similarities it was uncanny. To give you an idea of just a few:
- We lived within three miles of each other as we were growing up,
- We knew many of the same hangouts and people,
And we both love Jesus.
And to think we've been this close to each other all along!
Julie has become one of my best friends over the past year. She's kind, caring, and has a heart that's as big as all outdoors (even without her medical condition). She needs a kick in the pants every now and then just like I do, and we're both happy to provide that for each other.
And one more thing we have in common...our birthdays are both in January.
Julie's birthday is today.
I've been sending her e-cards all day to celebrate, but I know she'd love to have you drop by her place for a visit. When you do, wish her a happy birthday, and tell her I sent you. Take some time to look around and really get a feel for the wonderful writer/photographer/person she is.
You'll be glad you did.
Proverbs 17:17
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. (NIV)
Proverbs 27:9
Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of one's friend springs from his earnest counsel. (NIV)
What an encouraging story that friendships can be found in any place at any time!!! Going to wish her Happy B'day right now!
Oh, that is such a great story of friendship. What a blessing such a friendship is!
What a good friend you are!
What great post! I've been 'blogging' on Friendships this week...and then to pop over and read your post - well, it was just aWESOME! I'm on my way over to Jule's blog to say 'Happy Birthday!'
Love the Jules!
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