Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Some Cheese With My Whine

Here it is, 3:30 ayem in the morning, and I am unable to sleep. The cold thing has turned into the earache thing. It is, in a word, unfun. Due to that, I decided to spend some quality time with you, my closest friends, telling you of the wondrous happenings, the magical events, the glorious undertakings of this mortal life.

Yeah. Um...yeah. Well, then.

Last night we un-decorated the tree. Hubster chopped off the branches and we had the yearly burn-it-in-the-fireplace-without-catching-anyone's-house-on-fire ritual that we observe every year. We sent Son outside to watch the emissions of the chimney to make sure none of the RED HOT EMBERS that were flying out of said brick ediface landed and began to start a flaming inferno on top of our or someone else's roof. Because, as you may or may not know, we live in the Land of Shake Shingles.

You'll be happy to know that no one had to evacuate.

We raked up the carpet, then took the Kirby to the remainder. I do indeed love me that Kirby. One of the best investments we've ever made, that. A veritable wonder, even if it did cost us our firstborn son.

And since I cannot go out of town without the risk of infecting the World As We Know It with the cold from Hot Places Down Under, the new plan is to actually shampoo the carpet during this week of vacation. And hang drapes. And repaint the hallway.

Uh-huh. All THAT'S gonna happen. SURE it is.

Right after I take a nap or sixteen. Because as we all know, I am the Queen of Procrastination. And as such, it is my job - nay, my DUTY, to procrastinate as long as possible the tasks which I find unpleasant. And I do it oh, so very well.

Besides, I'm sick.

Which is exactly why Daughter chose today to have a Jeans Crisis. Her favorite pair of jeans ripped out in the knee, and so it was imperative we make a trip to the mall to replace said jeans. Absolutely imperative. On the day after Christmas.

Did I mention that I don't feel really well?

Three hours and one hot toddy later, I fell into bed. This is probably a good thing, because as you can tell it is now 3:49 ayem in the morning, and I'm still up. However, the ear drops are now starting to work, even though it would take dynamite for me to be able to breathe through my nose.

So I'm going to bed. Don't wake me until this is over, please? Not the Whine-O-Gram I've just written, but the cold.

Because in case I haven't mentioned it, I hate being sick.

Exodus 23:25
You must serve only the Lord your God. If you do, I will bless you with food and water, and I will protect you from illness.


Corina Bowen said...

Ahh, girl I didn't know if I should giggle or feel bad for you after reading your post! LOL Will be praying for your healing! Look on the bright side.... you felt too bad to really care or get stressed with all the crazies at the mall!
Nice meeting you.. plan on being back! :-)
In Christ~

HeyJules said...

Ya shoulda tried some of that garlic soup I offered to bring over to you! Oh well...

Hope you feel better real soon. And the offer for the soup still stands.

Love ya!

Chris said...

Thanks for the well-wishes, y'all.

And Jules? I love you to pieces, but I'm thinking the garlic soup would not be on my top ten...or Hubster's, if you catch my drift. :0)

Taking the ear to our favorite doctors today.

Carol said...

I'm sorry you're sick. I hope it doesn't last too long. Sometimes, when we're well, we forget how miserable being sick can be. Then we get reminded.

kpjara said...

As crazy as I am about you...I've been doing the sickness-dodge all fall and winter so far and I'm so thankful these germs cannot migrate through internet cables!

Be well my friend...and rest!

Chris said...

Kim, my friend, it's hard to keep from getting it when you're sleeping with someone who has it.

Remember those words...they will stand you in good stead! :)