Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Can You Hear Me Now?**

You just can't keep a good girl down. Or me either.

I am back from the doctor's office with a fist full of prescriptions, both for me and for Hubster. I have one of those wonderful doctors who actually believes I know what I'm talking about.

Imagine that.

I told him I had an ear infection, and he concurred with my diagnosis...after checking it out to be sure. I told him I had a sinus infection. He agreed. I told him I was starting to get bronchitis, and that got the nod as well.

I mean really...after almost...uh...39 plus 11 years of living in this body, I think I should know a thing or five about it. I am so very thankful to have a doctor who trusts my a point.

I told him Hubster had the same thing, and that he said for Doc to double up on all the meds so we could both take them. Since he knows Hubster well, he agreed. I walked out with prescriptions for antibiotics for both of us, but he said we had to share the cough syrup with codeine. My response?


For some reason, he was not amused at my response. Probably because it had to do with A Controlled Substance. He told me to go home, drink plenty of fluids, and rest.

So I went to the pharmacy, then home for refills for the checkbook, then to the bank, then to pick up the prescriptions, then to Wendy's with Daughter to get our lunch, then home to eat it and take the first doses of medicine, then to A Local Hardware Warehouse to buy a new faucet for the sink, then to Another Local Hardware Warehouse of a Different Color, and finally to the Third Local Hardware Warehouse, where I purchased said faucet after bargaining them down $20.

Which you can SO do, if you've a mind. Even if they are a Huge National Chain. But that's another post altogether.

Which brings us to the concept of obedience. I have a very hard time with that one.

Betcha couldn't tell, eh?

Because right now my ear is screaming and I've lost almost all of my voice. Why? Because I did what I thought was more important than what the doctor said to do. I had running to do, and I still do, and I don't want to take time out to baby this stuff.

Which brings us back to rebellion.

"I don't want to and you can't MAKE me!"

Can't you just hear God laughing at me right now? I think I could, even with a bum ear, if I'd actually LISTEN instead of bulling my way through this. He has a way of changing my disobedience and rebellion to obedience and submission. And if He has to push a little to get me there, it ain't fun.

So tonight I'm making soup, getting my jammies on and doing exactly what the Doc Man said. I'm gonna rest, drink a lot of clear liquids, go to bed early and get up late. Just what the Good Doctor and Great Physician ordered.

And you can't MAKE me disobey, 'cause I'm LISTENING now.

1 Samuel 12:14
If you fear the LORD and serve and obey him and do not rebel against his commands, and if both you and the king who reigns over you follow the LORD your God - good!

**That's for you, Kim!


HeyJules said...

Good thing that last part was in this post or I was going to get in my car, drive over to your house and SIT ON YOU till you're all better.

And you KNOW how big my butt is...

kpjara said...

I hear you loud and clear my silent friend! Now you really should rest.

Big Mama said...

Nothing will give you a better nights sleep that some cough syrup with codeine. : )

Hope you feel better!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Oh man, I hope you feel better. Felt bad to laugh at your situation, but you did make it funny.

Carol said...

Nyquil. I like Nyquil. No codeine, but you can't have everything.

Chicken soup is good medicine. It has to be homemade from scratch to have the anti-viral properties, though. Totally worth it, in my mind.

All that to say, "Get well soon!"