Saturday, November 25, 2006

In Which I Learn Why Being a Grandparent Is So Much Fun

It was a good Thanksgiving.

Cutie got her first taste of cranberries, and she believes she'll wait awhile to do that again, thank you very much. However, the sweet potato casserole went over like gangbusters. She ate it and ate it and ate it some more. Let me just say this about that, without going into graphic detail....

I'm oh, so very glad that her parents will be the ones changing THOSE diapers.


Because y'all? That's where being a GRANDPARENT becomes oh, so very sweet. Oh yes, it does. And here's another place where that happens...

As you can see, Grandpa makes a great pillow for a little girl. And Nana got her turn, too, before Cutie woke up. As I told my daughter-in-law, this is the thing parents of teenagers miss the most about their children being little.

The very most.

And then, there was the annual Cutting Down of The Christmas Tree today. Every year we go to the same tree farm in a little town about 30 minutes north of here. We stumbled into this farm one year when we were dating, and have been loyal customers ever since. We took the older kids there when they were teenagers, and have taken the younger kids there from their first Christmas on. Now we're passing on that tradition to the next generation.

Little Man enjoyed the trip immensely, from the haywagon ride up the hill to the field where the trees were... helping Dad cut down the tree.

And then, of course, he had to help Mom and Dad drag the tree back to the haywagon...

And afterwards, a little playtime was in order.

Because, after all, when you're 19 months old you have to take a break from the old folks every now and then. And where's the cowbell when you need it?

All in all, from a grandparent point of view, it was a very good holiday. Very good indeed.

Psalm 128:6
and may you live to see your children's children. Peace be upon Israel.


HeyJules said...

Hello...could those grandbabies BE any cuter? I don't THINK so!

You are so very, very blessed.

Pilot Mom said...

They are SO precious!! I'm glad your holiday was fabulous.

Megan said...

Hi - I have an unrelated comment here. I've got you signed up for the Blogger White Elephant party via Chilihead, but don't have your contact info. Can you email me your:

Blog name
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to: halfpinthouse at gmail dot com as soon as possible?



Linds said...

Hi I am here from Boomama's blog. Nice to meet you and i will be back!

Southerninspiration said...

Oh, that does indeed make me anxiously await the day I will be called a Grandmother!!! Thanks for sharing!

Big Mama said...

Well, those are two of the cutest grandbabies ever. The one of Cutie sleeping on her grandpa makes me want to cry it's so sweet.

Melanie @ This Ain't New York said...

Can I just say that-
either you have good genes, you have stayed out of the sun, you are a genius with photo-shop, or you have a fabulous plastic surgeon! You don't look old enough to be a grandmother! :>)

Chris said...

Many thanks, y'all. I kinda like the grandkids myself!

And Melanie, you are too sweet for words! I'm actually old enough physically, but mentally...that's up for grabs.