Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Farewell, Mon Frere!

It has been, and will be, a hard week.

During the lifetime God has given us on this earth, there are times when we come together with others for a season. We meet those people in strange ways or in common ways, but in ways that bind us together as friends. And then, the time comes when God calls us to different paths. The season is over, and new opportunities and friends await us on the horizon.

The coming together is easy. The parting is always hard.

On Friday, my boss of the past three years will be leaving for another position. While I've known about it for a month, it makes it no easier for me to deal with. I've been very emotional the past couple of days whenever I realize what is coming up is actually real. And it didn't help that I had to speak at a reception honoring him today. The only way I could get through it without dissolving into tears was by making jokes. He deserves better than that.

To remedy the situation, let me tell you how I really feel.

When I took this job I came with a past history of bosses that was less than stellar, to say the least. My most recent had a penchant for making employees as miserable as possible through downgrading comments, angry outbursts, and controlling behavior. I put up with it for six years, always hoping it would change. It never did.

When I interviewed for this position, I decided to let God handle everything. I would not be afraid to tell about the work He'd done in me through my past boss, nor would I accept any less than His best for me with my next one. And His best is certainly what I got.

I was given the gift of Roger.

He came across as a very professional person in the interview. Business suit, proper with a capital "P" and ready to hire. I made no bones about my faith, my desires, and my past. If I got the job it was going to be a God thing, and nothing to do with me.

I got the job.

After training for a week with the person I was replacing, I was on my own. It was a big job for someone with so little training time, but Roger had confidence in me. After I began in earnest by myself, I didn't really know what to expect from him. Would he turn out to be like my last boss? Would he ignore me? Would he think of me as someone who would run at his beck and call? Would I be expected to get his coffee???

What had I gotten myself into?

My questions were answered in short order.

The first day I was left to my own devices, I heard something strange coming from his office. It was Roger speaking to me...in a Swedish accent!

"God," I said, "You are INDEED good!!!"

This was my first hint that I had a kindred spirit for a boss. Our fake accents and our relationship grew from there. We were able to joke and kid around, but at the same time get serious work done. We talked, we laughed, we blew off steam. We spent endless hours working to aid the homeless and hurting in our area, as well as helping those in the areas stricken by hurricanes. We had a common goal, a common Lord, and an uncommon relationship. Those who work with us affectionately called me his second mom. Others joked that we were worse than an old married couple as they heard the banter back and forth between us. I felt as though I worked WITH Roger, not just FOR Roger.

I had hopes it would never end. But God had other plans.

Roger was offered a new position at his alma mater. One that would have him getting out among people more. One better suited to his talents. One he felt God was calling him to.

It broke my heart. But who am I to argue with God?

And so this Friday I will say goodbye. I will wish him godspeed as he goes off to his new adventure. I will pray for his safety, his health, and his family as he takes on the challenge God has set before him. Oh yes, I will cry. Buckets and buckets of tears.

And I will thank him for all he has become to me. Not just my boss, but my friend.

Isaiah 55:12
For you will go out with joy And be led forth with peace; The mountains and the hills will break forth into shouts of joy before you, And all the trees of the field will clap {their} hands.
New American Standard Bible © 1995 Lockman Foundation


Just Me said...

What a gift it sounds like, God has given you in Roger! Isn't it great, that God hasn't run out of good bosses for you? AND that YOU will be the gift to the next boss that God sends your way!

kpjara said...

What a wonderful "gift" as Cool Mama pointed out. I will also pray about your next 'boss' that he/she would be the blessing that Roger was/is!

HeyJules said...

Chris, you know you're on my mind as you go through all this. Please call me if you need to talk or cry or anything.

And add me to the ones who will pray that you get Roger # 2 to take his place.