My daughter begins her first year of high school tomorrow.
She is excited, she is anxious, she is fearful of the unknown. There were times of near tears when she discovered she didn't really know how things were going to work; what the plan was, how her day was going to go. Where on earth is the bus stop? What time do I eat lunch? What if everyone thinks I'm a dork because.....
Her future is a blank page, waiting for life to happen. The joys, the pains, and the events of a lifetime are about to begin for her. Her memories are about to be written.
It's an awesome responsibility, given the things that happen over the next few short years may well affect her for the rest of her lifetime. As her mother, I want to shield her from all the bad things she will encounter, just as I did when she was small. At the same time, I can't wait to see how she blossoms and grows through this to be the woman God intended her to be. I am afraid for her, yet I want to push her into this new world at the same time. I want her to learn to stand on her own, to have confidence in herself, to be able to succeed and know who she is. To have the joy, she must also feel the pain.
I have to trust in the promises of God for my child.
God, please guide her in every decision she makes. I pray You will draw close to her in times of stress and fear, giving her Your peace and comfort. Help her to know You are there during good times too, celebrating happiness as she does. Remind her that You have been there always and forever, and You will be there always and forever whenever she needs You.
Father, this is our baby. Our little girl. Our precious child. She was Your gift to us, and now she is our gift to You. We give her completely over to Your care.
But we're here if you need us.
Proverbs 22:6
Teach your children to choose the right path, and when they are older, they will remain upon it. New Living Translation © 1996 Tyndale Charitable Trust
Psalm 144:12
May our sons flourish in their youth like well-nurtured plants. May our daughters be like graceful pillars, carved to beautify a palace.
New Living Translation © 1996 Tyndale Charitable Trust
What a wonderful prayer and thought for your daughter.
I hope she grows into the future God has for her.
May the Lord answer your prayers and bless this child with good choices and wonderful God-rooted friends!
Look at you! Posting pictures like a pro!
She's such a beautiful young woman...may she always know WHO she is and WHOSE she is! Those two things can get her through a mess of stuff!
From your mouths to God's ear!
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