Thursday, September 25, 2014

In Which Eye Worry

For the past couple of months I've been having a problem with my eye.

It started out as just a little annoying pain that only happened once every blue moon.  However, it decided to begin hurting in earnest this past week.  Having already been to the optometrist twice for the same thing, I decided to take further action and visit (dun dun DUN!!!)...the Eye Specialist.

Of course, being the type of person never to worry about anything, I consulted Dr. Google to see just how bad it could be, and then went immediately to the WORST POSSIBLE SCENARIO so that I could adequately torment myself before the time came to receive the diagnosis.

My eyeball was sure to be removed, and with it my ability to drive.  I tried to imagine life without an eye, managing to work myself up into a frenzy in the process.  I lamented my eye-less socket, how a fake eye wouldn't really look right, how people would stare or be uncomfortable around me, how I would no longer have the vision to do the things I love, and on and on and on.

By the time I got to the appointment today, I was ready to ask where one could purchase a seeing-eye dog for only the left side.  Or half of a seeing-eye dog.  Preferably one that could drive.

Imagine my relief, if you will, when the Eye Specialist looked at the windows to my soul, and found that I had chapped eyeballs.

Chapped eyeballs.

It sounds like some kind of a dish you'd order in a Chinese restaurant.

Apparently, because of my delicate age (which he wisely guessed to be just a shade over 41) and the RA, my tears have dried up a bunch.  He prescribed medication, drinking lots of water, and eye moisturizers.

He deemed the dog unnecessary at this juncture, unless I wanted a companion with which to eat Chinese food.

Another crisis averted.


Susanne said...

You are funny. Glad it turned out be nothing that Dr. Google suggested it might be.

Linds said...

Well, seeing that eyes are a hot topic here, I identify totally. I was, however, bolstered by the fact that my good friend has a glass eye and drives all over Europe. And the UK. And you would never know. Apparently the other eye compensates a lot.

I can attest to the other eye trying to compensate. My left eye is acting like a strobe light as I speak. after the cataract surgery. You know they take OUT the old lens and put in a new one? While one is lying there awake??? The miracle comes the next day when one can actually read the words on the TV screen. Eureka.