Wednesday, June 27, 2007

She Done Blessed Me!


As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.

My friend Carol at She Lives does just spades. And she does it for the glory of God. She lives her life as a reflection of His love, and for that I truly admire her.

Another reason I admire her is that she sees Him in others. If you get a chance to visit her blog, you'll see a list of people she believes reflect His love in one way or another, and to whom she has given this award. I am humbled and honored to be one of those people.

And as one of those people, it falls to me to choose five bloggers whom I believe would fall into the same category; those who have encouraged, been a source of love, impacted me, and have been a Godly example.

Wow. Quite a bill to fill. But I have been extremely blessed through blogging to meet and come to know several who have impacted me greatly. Let me share them with you.

1. First and foremost, my forever friend and almost-twin, HeyJules. She has become more of a woman of God in the past two and a half years than I have in the past forty. She amazes me with her hunger and thirst for a deeper knowledge and love of God that cannot be satiated. Her talent as a photographer and writer has no equal, and I know God will use her for something beyond her wildest imagination.

2. Secondly, there are Trish and Dave at Ashley's Journal. They have been through so much with their little daughter over the past almost two years, yet still praise God with every post for His love and blessings. Even in the midst of the worst possible scenarios, the name of God is lifted high. They are a true reflection of His power.

3. Linds at Rocking Chair Reflections is my friend from "across the pond." She lost her husband almost exactly a year ago, but still manages to LIVE her life. She has a strong faith that shines through even her worst days. The love she has for her friends, family and God is something to behold. Linds grabs life by the shirt-tail and hangs on for the ride, enjoying every glorious minute.

4. Pilot Mom at Claire Bug is truly the type of Christian I want to be when I grow up. IF I grow up. She's been through some very trying times this past year, and continues to go through even more, yet still praises God with every breath she takes. I marvel at her faith, her strength, and her love for her Creator.

5. And not to be redundant by any means, but I do love me a good laugh. And my dear BooMama makes me smile almost every day. Sometimes her posts have Godly points, sometimes they're just about the joys God has given her, but ALL the time they are a blessing to me. And so I hope I can bless her a little bit with this award.

Now, here are the instructions:

The award originated here. That's probably the best place to learn more about it.

Here's what it says you should do:

1. Copy this post.

2. Replace my five bloggers with yours and write a least a paragraph about each one.

3. Make sure you link this post so others can read it and the rules.

4. Go leave your chosen bloggers a comment and let them know they've been given the award.

5. Put the award icon on your site [see here]


boomama said...

You are too sweet - thank you so much! Such sweet encouragement from such a sweet heart - I am honored.

Linds said...

What a wonderful surprise - I too am so honoured. Thank you so much. This is a wonderful start to my day.

Pilot Mom said...

Wow! Thank you Chris! You are so sweet to think of me. I'm humbled and honored.

Barb said...

Congratulations to you and what a good job you did paying it forward to five very deserving people.

I ran over here to thank you for your sweet comment and assure you your name is in the hat for the favor giveaway at my place.

Then I saw that plate of food in your previous post. Oh my word. I can't even be diplomatic. It looks just awful. Blech.

Susanne said...

Congrats! I read Carols reason she gave you the award and I totally agree!

Girl Raised in the South said...

Your list - a great example of all that is right with blogging. xoxoxo Bev