We twins were separated soon after birth, but the family resemblance still remains.
Especially now.
You see, for the better part of the winter, my caloric intake has rivaled that of the NFL. Not just one team, mind you, but THE ENTIRE LEAGUE.
And, due to the dry air we experience here in the Midwest, no amount of water consumed or lotions applied could rid me of the hereditary dry, scaly skin I inevitably experience during the winter months.
Allow me a small amount of redundancy here as I state the obvious: It hasn’t been, nor does it continue to be, pretty.
Add to that the Changing of the Seasons.
Ah, Spring! Newness of life, greening of grasses, blooming of flowers, the dust of many months being swept away on the breeze…. tra la, tra la, etc.

Oh, we’re SO VERY ATTRACTIVE in the Spring of the Year. It can't be hard to see why both of us have to fight off members of the opposite sex tooth and nail, now can it?
And so today, I sit here at my desk, turning over new leaves yet again. Some are green, but most are brown and crackly. Sometimes it seems as though these leaves have been overturned so many times they must surely disinegrate due to obvious over-use. I mean really...I'm flippin' these suckers over so fast and so often they don't know which side is up!
Be that as it may, I come to you with the newest edition of things I want to improve. Bear in mind these lists usually last at least a week, at which time they've either been completed or given up.
So I always, you know, have new fodder for the blawg. New things to whine about. New universes to remain unconquered, if you will.
Without further ado or fanfare, here's what I'm going to work on this week. Yes, it's the list of:
I'm Gonna Try To:
- Keep my calorie counter filled out each and every day, regardless of what or how much I eat. (Shuddering as I type this one.)
- Do one load of laundry a day.
- Use the saline stuff the doctor recommended every two hours until allergy season (or the worst of it, anyway) goes away.
Buy the correct color of sage-y green to repaint the hallway, replacing the ill-chosen avocado green of paintings past.
- Shampoo the carpets this weekend.
Try not to get too awfully excited about the last two, folks. I've only had those on the list for the past six months. They've got a full 'nuther six months before something may actually happen. I'd say the first three items are fairly sure bets, though. Check back in a week and we'll see how it goes.
Until then, let me leave you with this verse. It's one I pin my hopes on every Spring.
Revelation 21:5
And the One sitting on the throne said, “Look, I am making everything new!” And then He said to me, “Write this down, for what I tell you is trustworthy and true.”
1 comment:
You are nothing if not the eternal optimist. Seriously, are we going to have to have a bet to see who can get their carpets cleaned/walls painted/laundry finished? Cause I'll bet we'll both STILL put it off and go to a movie instead...
Hey, at least we make the list!
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