Thursday, November 16, 2006

Bright Smiles and Warm Nights

I am so excited! I just got a new toothbrush in the mail!!!

Granted, I know this may not be something that would rock the world of your modern, everyday suburban working mom, but it does mine. In a BIG way.

Because it's a God thing.

About this time last year I decided my toothbrush was not doing the job I wanted it to do. I have a Crest Spinbrush with two moving heads. Now, it was a step up from the do-it-yourself model I had used for so many years, but there were some things which could be improved. The batteries wear out quickly, the brushes don't move overly fast, and I felt like my teeth weren't getting as clean as they should. Add to that the fact that I'm a coffee and tea drinker, and you've got one unhappy dental combination.

However, on the good side, my Spinbrush did help my tartar problem immensely. Add to that the fact that it cost less than $10, and it had a lot going for it. Just not enough to keep me happy.

So I went in search of greener to speak.

After researching other toothbrushes, I decided to set my sites on a Sonicare. But not just any Sonicare. I wanted a Sonicare Essence model. It was a nice, middle of the road model with everything I could ever want or need. For cryin' out loud, the thing has a TIMER on it to make sure you brush long enough! For a tooth-o-phile like me, it seemed perfect.

And stupid.

I mean, after all, who in their right mind would spend around $70 on a TOOTHBRUSH???

So the practical side of me won out. I wanted it, but I wouldn't buy it. Because it would be, you know, imPRACTIcal and all. Instead, I put it where all impractical things go.

On my Christmas list.

My mother is notorious for her spending at Christmas time. When we go to her house for Christmas there are PILES AND PILES of presents. Because Christmas is her forte. Christmas is what my mother DOES. She shops all year long for one short 30-minute family unwrapping free-for-all frenzy, and that gives her so much joy she starts all over again as soon as it's over. Because of my mother's penchant for Christmas, I was SURE I would get my toothbrush as a gift. POSITIVE, as a matter of fact.

And I was wrong. Dead wrong. No toothbrush showed its gleaming bristles on that day.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm in my EXTREEEEEMEly late 30's, so that wasn't an earthshattering disappointment or anything. But deep in my subconcious, I knew I still wanted that toothbrush.

Mom and I went shopping recently, and I saw it again. I didn't put it on the list this year, thinking it probably wouldn't get purchased anyway. I actually gave up the hope of getting it. But I still wanted that toothbrush. Stupid as it may seem, I still wanted it.

A couple of weeks ago I got an email from a company I hardly ever work for, asking me to visit their site to particpate in a campaign they were having. "What the heck," says I. "I got nothin' better to do." So I went.

There was a short survey about dental products, ending with questions about Sonicare. I completed the survey, and at the end was accepted into the campaign. I was told I would be shipped the necessary materials and to expect them in the mail. Then I got an email telling me what to expect.

A brand new Sonicare toothbrush. For free. Which I got today. The exact same one I wanted all along.

Isn't it great how God knows the secret desires of our hearts? He even knows and cares about something as stupid as a toothbrush. And isn't it great how God can GIVE us the secret desires of our hearts? Yup, even something as stupid as a toothbrush.

And this isn't the first time He's done this.

For years and years I wanted a house with a fireplace.
There was no way we could afford to move, but down deep I held out the hope it might happen someday. Then my aunt passed away after a long illness. We were offered her much larger house at an unbelievable below-market price. Not only was it bigger than the one we had, but it was much newer. And guess what?

It had a fireplace.

So my plan in all this is to start WANTING the right things. Salvation for my family. To know God better and love Him more. A better relationship with my kids. The really important things in life.

Because after all, if God cares enough to provide a little thing like a toothbrush or a fireplace, how much more does He care about the really important things in life? How much more willing is He to provide those?

I'm planning on using ALL of His gifts in the future, and using them well.

And I'm gonna start by brushing my teeth.

Mathew 7:11
As bad as you are, you still know how to give good gifts to your children. But your heavenly Father is even more ready to give good things to people who ask. (CEV)

1 comment:

Pilot Mom said...

Amen, amen, amen! Even though toothbrushes and fireplaces are grand, they are nothing like the really important things, are they?!