Saturday, August 12, 2006

Of Aches and Pains

I am a woman of a certain age. I don't admit that to many people. If you were to actually see me in person, in the flesh as it were, you'd take me for...well, a good year or two younger than I actually am. Really.

Being this age has benefits.

I get to take naps just like I did when I was little, only this time I really enjoy them. I don't have to worry about changing dirty diapers or waking up for 2 a.m. feedings. Teenage acne is no longer a problem for me. Neither are boyfriends, riding a bike, skinned knees or homework.

For these things and so many more, I am truly thankful.

However, being this age also has drawbacks.

For some time now I have noticed little aches and pains creeping into my body that weren't there when I was in my twenties or thirties. As the years go by, the aches seem to increase - both in size and in location. A touch of arthritis in my feet, a back that suddenly goes out, a shoulder that aches from too much use. Knees that complain loudly every time I take the stairs. Pains I never had before are surfacing and remaining. All this from normal activities I took for granted only a few years ago.

Other aches and pains have come into my life as well, but these are mostly from my heart.

I ache to see my family members and friends give their lives totally over to the Lord. I yearn to see them grow in Him, to want to serve Him and love Him fully. I ache for the time when He returns. My heart so longs to be with Him! I hurt for those who still don't realize what a wonderful gift is waiting for them, if only they would take it. I ache for those who have not heard. I am pained to know that I cause the Father grief when I sin. I suffer for those who cannot let go of anger and despair in their lives.

But for each and every ache and pain I suffer, whether physical or spiritual, I know this; what we are going through here, this little speck of time in the plane of eternity, is nothing - ABSOLUTELY NOTHING - compared to the glorious, wonderful, fantasmagorious ETERNAL life we have yet to live!


With GOD.

All of those little aches and pains will be things of the past in my new body. All the worries about my family, my friends, the lost, my sin...gone. I'll spend my days in worship of my King!

And the music...can you just imagine the music?

Do me a favor right now. Close your eyes and blot out anything that's happening around you. Just ask God to reveal to you a tiny, tiny bit of what it might be like. What are the sounds? What do you see yourself doing? What are your surroundings? Open your mind to the possibilities!

How do YOU imagine Heaven to be?

Romans 8:18
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
New American Standard Bible © 1995 Lockman Foundation

Revelation 21:4
He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”
New International Version © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society


kpjara said...

How as I closed my eyes to travel to heaven...I saw myself spinning around and around, dancing and singing and SMILING, big smiles. I was wearing a light yellow flowy dress and had such a face of peace, joy and love. I felt warmth and sheer joy. It was light but not overly bright.

Chris said...

Mine was much the same, only in blue, hands raised over my head in pure worship. All I felt was the pure love of God going through me, along with the utter joy of dancing and worshipping before Him.

Amazing similarities, eh?

Donnetta said...

*sigh*... oh to be home someday... This is just the journey.

Thanks for leaving your link at "My Quiet Corner" and Welcome to blogging!!

Feel free to stop back by anytime!!

kpjara said...

That is amazing that our experiences were similar...perhaps we were there!

Pilot Mom said...

Oh I hear you!! The waiting can be unbearable sometimes!

Because I make a joyful "noise" now, I can hardly wait to get to Heaven and hear my noise become music! :D